Amazing Facts About Different Products... Shocked

by 9:17 AM 0 comments
Media will ever inform you??
nestle company accepts that they add juice extracted from beef in chocolate kitkat.
media ever informed you ???
That in a case in chennai high court fair and lovely company accepted that the cream contains the oil from pig fats !!
media ever informed us that
vicks is banned in how many countries of Europe ! There it has been declared as poison ! But in our country we see it's advertising on tv whole day !!
media ever informed us ?? life bouy is neither bath soap nor toilet soap ! But it's
a cabolic soap used for bathing animals !
Europe uses life bouy for dogs ! And in our country millions of humans use it !!
media ever informed us ! ???????????
That coke pepsi is in reality toilet cleaner ! it has been proved that it contains 21 types of different poisons ! And it's sale is banned in the canteen of indian parliament ! But it is sold in whole country !!
media never informed us ????
That foreign companies selling health tonics like boost ,complan ,horlics,maltova ,protinex ,were tested in delhi at all india institute (which houses biggest laboratory in india ) and it was found that it is made from the waste left after oil is extracted from groundnut ! Which is food for animals ! From this waste they make health
tonic !!
media ever informed us ??????
When amitabh bachchon was operated for 10 long hours !
Then doctor had cut and removed large intestine !!and doctor has told him that it has rotten due to drinking of
coke pepsi ! And from next day he stopped advertising it and till today he doesn't advertise coke
pepsi !
Media if it is faithful should expose all truth together !!
Lots of people enjoy today.
Let's have a look over pizza >>
Companies who sells pizza
"Pizza Hut, Dominos,
KFC, McDonalds,
Pizza Corner,
Papa John’s Pizza,
California Pizza Kitchen,
Sal’s Pizza"
These are all american companies,
You can view it over Wikipedia.
Note:- to make pizza tasty
E-631 flavor Enhancer is added which is made from pork or pig meat. If you want see it on Google.
● Attention friends if following codes are mentioned on food packs then you should know what you are unknowingly consuming .
E 322 - beef
E 422 - alcohol
E 442 - alcohol & chemical
E 471 - beef & alcohol
E 476 - alcohol
E 481 - mixture of beef and pork
E 627 - dangerous chemical
E 472 - mixture of beef, meat & pork
E 631 - oil extracted from pig fats.b
● Note - you will find these codes mostly in products of foreign companies like :- chips , biscuits , chewing gums, toffees , kurkure and maggi !
● Don't ignore pay your kind attention if in doubt then search yourself through your sources if not internet.
● look at ingredient on maggi pack, you will find flavor (E-635 ).
● Also look for following codes on google :-
E100, E110, E120, E140, E141, E153, E210, E213, E214, E216, E234, E252, E270, E280, E325, E326, E327, E334, E335, E336, E337, E422, E430, E431, E432, E433, E434, E435, E436, E440, E470, E471, E472, E473, E474, E475, E476, E477, E478, E481, E482, E483, E491, E492, E493, E494, E495, E542, E570, E572, E631, E635, E904.
Kindly forward it to your family and friends to spread awareness.



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